Right-wing voters especially dissatisfied with democracy
A considerable number of voters are dissatisfied with how democracy functions in the Netherlands, especially on the right wing of the political spectrum. PVV (55%), SGP (40%), and BBB (39%) are the most dissatisfied with democracy. The most satisfied voters support D66, Volt, GroenLinks-PvdA, and ChristenUnie, NRC reports based on research by political scientists Matthijs Rooduijn, Honorata Mazepus, and Bert Bakker.
According to the researchers, their study - which forms part of long-term international research into liberal democracy - shows that Dutch voters generally find it important that the Netherlands is a democratic country. They value free elections, believe that judges should treat everyone equally, and are happy that the media can criticize the government.
Yet, the researchers called their dissatisfaction conclusions “worrisome,” especially given that a right-wing government is a clear possibility after today’s elections. It is precisely right-wing voters that “are not the most democratic,” Rooduijn said to NRC.
The researchers looked at how voters would tinker with liberal democracy. Asked whether the Cabinet should be able to ignore parliament if it “obstructs” the government’s work, about a fifth of PVV, BBB, and CDA voters thought that was fine.
Asked whether voters’ voting rights may be revoked if they are poorly informed or misled, a quarter of PVV and nearly the same amount of CDA voters said yes. A strikingly high proportion of left-wing voters also agreed with this statement - 20% of Volt, 12% of GroenLinks-PvdA, and 8% of D66 voters. According to Mazepus, this is because “some voters are really concerned about the maze of disinformation that is circulating.”
Most voters believe an independent court may overturn a parliamentary decision if it violates “the rights of individuals or groups in society.” This feeling is strongest among D66, Volt, and GroenLinks-PvdA voters. Most also agree that “the right to protest must be protected, even if demonstrators are a nuisance to others.” This sentiment is also stronger in the left wing than in the right wing.
According to Rooduijn, that has to do with the most recent protests to make headlines - the highway blockades by the climate protest group Extinction Rebellion. If the study was done during the farmers' protests in 2021, the researchers expect that right-wing voters would protect the right to protest more fiercely.
The different views on democracy largely run along the left/right lines, the researchers found. Voters who are against climate measures and migration - BBB, PVV, SGP, for example - are also often more dissatisfied with democracy. And vice versa for Volt, D66, GroenLinks-PvdA voters.