Daughter rescued from ISIS released from custody
A 19-year-old woman who made headlines earlier this month after her mother rescued her from ISIS in Syria has been released from custody by a Dutch court. Aïcha, the 19-year-old Jihadi bride was ordered released Tuesday afternoons, but the conditions of her release were not made public. She could be remanded back into custody for violating any of the court's conditions while the public prosecutor investigates possible criminal charges. Aïcha, a Maastricht teen who converted to Islam and became radicalized, was detained on suspicions of being involved in a terrorist organization. Her mother, Monique, is said to have rescued her from the Syriain City, Raqqa, which is considered to be an ISIS stronghold. It was later stated by the Dutch Public Prosecutor that Aïcha's mother did not travel to Syria, but awaited her at the Turkish-Syrian border. While she was 18, the teen traveled to Syria to marry Islamist revolutionary Omar Yilmaz. She is said to have been treated like a slave after Yilmaz cast her aside, though Yilmaz contests the accusation instead saying they had an amicable split. The court has said that Aïcha's personal interests outweigh those of society at present, and that being suspected of involvement in terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS) does not currently warrant her continued detention. In the interest of her safety, the court has not disclosed the time of her release. Should Aïcha not meet the conditions, she will be taken back into custody, and the pre-trial suspension of her detainment will be lifted. The investigation into her case is ongoing.