Wednesday, 17 April 2013 - 16:16
Test Medicines for Terminally Ill Patients
Terminally ill patients can get faster access to test medicines via MyTomorrows, a community created by Sjaak Vink. It is the first time that inventors, doctors and patients have been brought together.
The website of MyTomorrows offers innovative medicines, the safety of which has been proven. However, these medicines are still investigated for their effects on people.
Doctors and patients first have to register on the website before a doctor can request a list of available medicines. After consultation with the patient, the doctor can order the test medicines. Patients have to pay for the medicines themselves, but Vink is in discussion with insurance companies to arrange compensation.
According to, the Dutch patients consumers federation, Nederlandse Patiënten Consumenten Federatie (NPCF), is critical of the website. They fear that people will pay a lot of money because they think it is their last chance of survival. reported that there are no objections from the Ministry of Public Health and the Inspection for Healthcare.