Zeeland supports package of strict conditions for construction of nuclear power plants
The Province of Zeeland has imposed strict conditions on the construction of two new nuclear power plants in the municipality of Borssele. The province wants the Sloerand, a green zone between the current nuclear power plant and the village of Borssele, to remain untouched and no new high-voltage pylons to be erected.
"If the decision is made to build a new above-ground energy highway anyway, it is not necessary for us," said SGP MP Harold van de Velde at a meeting of the states on Friday. The States also do not want cooling towers and are calling for an information point where residents can obtain information about the possible construction of new nuclear power plants.
Except for GroenLinks-PvdA, all parliamentary groups agreed to the list of conditions that the province sets for the construction of nuclear power plants. MEP Inez Flameling explained that her group did not vote in favor because the province's proposal was "insufficiently weighty". GroenLinks-PvdA had tried unsuccessfully to tighten up the proposal.
Zeeland put together the package of conditions in consultation with residents, civil society organizations, and the Scheldestromen water board, among others. In the municipality of Borsele, a group of 100 residents had also drawn up a package of conditions in consultation with experts. Among other things, they ask for the safe processing of nuclear waste. The province and the municipality want to jointly present their packages of conditions to the government in the first quarter of this year.
Reporting by ANP