Police shoot armed man in leg
The police shot an armed man in the leg in the center of Best on Tuesday night. He was carrying a firearm, the police said in a statement.
According to the police, the man had a breakdown around 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening. He caused some property damage to his home on Raadhuisplein, threatened to open the gas and climbed onto the roof of his house. Several police officers, a negotiator and the fire department responded to the home. They repeatedly tried to make contact with the man. Around 8:00 p.m. they concluded that he was not at the house.
Officers searched the neighborhood for the man. He was spotted with a firearm not far from his house. According to the police, the situation was threatening and a police officer therefore decided to shoot the man in the leg. He was taken to hospital.
While the police were looking for the man, the fire department concluded that the man did not actually open the gas in his home.
The Rijksrecherche - the department that handles internal investigations at the police - are investigating the shooting. This is procedure in all incidents involving a police officer firing his or her weapon.