Friday, 11 December 2015 - 09:31
Christian politicians demand removal of “sexy” Zalando ads
A "lust object" ad for the German online store Zalando was removed from bus shelters in Aalburg, Noord-Brabant after demands from Christian party SGP. The ad shows a woman dressed in Calvin Klein lingerie with the hashtag "share your sexy", De Gelderlander reports.
"I saw it hanging on Sunday and thought: this is not in accordance with the rules", Dert Vlaander, leader of the SGP faction in Aalburg, said to the newspaper. He calls the ad offensive to women. "We feel that woman being showcased in that way, as a lust object, does not fit with the position of women." Alderman Pim Bouman agreed with him and ordered that the ad be taken down.
At least one other person in the Netherlands also finds the ad offensive. The Advertising Code Committee told the newspaper that they received once complaint submitted from the province of Utrecht. The complaint is still pending. "We regularly get complaints about good taste and decency", a spokesperson said. "It is subjective, there is no general guideline for it, so we assess each complaint separately."