Monday, 27 July 2015 - 15:42
Gay Pride patrols intensified in pickpocket fight
The Amsterdam police are teaming up with an international team to fight against pickpocketing during the Gay Pride this weekend. As pickpockets often have different nationalities and operate in several countries, the international team will help the police quickly determine whether a suspect was previously active as a pickpocket.
Crowded events such as the Gay Pride are ideal working grounds for pickpockets. The Amsterdam police are warning visitors to be extra alert for pickpockets during this year's event, especially during the boat parade on Saturday, which is expected to be very busy.
The police are advising visitors to carry bags carefully and be alert to people bumping into them. If someone, for example, mess on your clothes, clean it up yourself and do not accept help. The police also advise visitors to install the "Find my phone app" on cell phones, so that the device can be tracked if it is stolen. The police will deploy extra officers on Saturday to track phones via this app.
Last year about 300 people fell victim to pickpockets during the Gay Pride event. Although that was about 50 percent less than in 2013, the police will still be extra alert this year.