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Picture: Wikimedia Commons/Jorge Láscar
Wednesday, 20 May 2015 - 08:52
Calling, texting on bikes allowable; Apping bikers liable in accidents
Calling and texting while on a bicycle will not become a punishable offence, Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen repeated on Wednesday. She believes that a ban will be very difficult to control.
"It is very difficult, because you will have to catch someone in the act", Schultz said according to RTL Nieuws. Schultz is not in favor of legislation that can not be maintained.
Schultz previously stated that calling, texting and apping on a bicycle would not become a punishable defense, but that time she related it to the question of liability. Currently in accidents involving a bicycle, the motorist is liable. Schultz will now also hold cyclists liable if they cause an accident by apping while cycling. According to the minister, no extra rules for liability when calling or apping on the bicycle are needed. But she is organizing an awareness campaign to discourage smartphone use on bicycles.