MP's shoot down proposal to block FvD from Ukraine briefings
A majority of Members of Parliament did not support a proposal to block the far-right political party, Forum voor Democratie (FvD), from briefings about the war in Ukraine. FvD leader Thierry Baudet's pro-Russia comments, even after Russia invaded Ukraine, has been raising concerns among his fellow parliamentarians for some time.
The proposal was put forward by GroenLinks leader Jesse Klaver amid renewed concerns about how Baudet generates extra income, and how his party attracts financing. It was put to a vote on Tuesday, and won support from GroenLinks, Labor (PvdA), PvdD, and Volt, which combine for 26 seats in the Tweede Kamer. A total of 76 MPs are needed to claim a majority. A separate proposal did earn majority support, which reprimanded Baudet for not reporting his other jobs, and instructing him to do so. That can lead to him being barred from debates in the Tweede Kamer for up to one month, though he can still take part in voting.
GroenLinks leader Jesse Klaver recently got a motion passed calling on the Court of Audit to investigate Russian funding of Dutch political parties, prompted by Baudet's continued support for Russia and refusal to condemn the war. Though experts told television program Zembla that the Public Prosecution Service would be better for this investigation, as the Court of Audit has no investigative powers of its own and would need to rely on information voluntarily provided by the parties involved.
Many parliamentarians have wondered aloud whether the FvD should have access to sensitive information regarding the war in Ukraine. Former FvD member Henk Otten went so far as to call Baudet a "Manchurian candidate" and "a politician who is the plaything of an enemy power."
Over the weekend, the FvD party office in Amsterdam was vandalized. The vandals spray-painted "fascist" on the front door and "fascist scum" on the pavement in front of the office. A banner saying Baudet hearts Putin was also attached to the building.