Two men aged 20 arrested for publishing slut shaming list about Utrecht students
Two men, both 20 years old, have been arrested on suspicion of making the first bangalijst about Utrecht students that was found circulating online last month. A bangalijst is a list used to rate women on their looks and a review of past sexual encounters. This list also included personal information of women who were described in detail.
Members of the Utrechtsch Studenten Corps (USC) allegedly made the bangalijst which led to the arrest and interrogation of the suspects. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) confirmed news of the arrest on Friday after a report published by AD.
The PowerPoint presentation showed members of the female student association UVSV “discussed on the basis of their looks.” A second bangalijst was also in circulation, but the authors are as-yet unknown. The USC claimed to have clues that showed that it was not created by one of their members.
The suspects were questioned on Wednesday and then allowed to leave. A spokesperson for the OM would not disclose whether the men were members of USC.
A total of 15 victims decided to press charges and file a report about the two lists, the OM said. The investigation into both lists is ongoing.
USC already suspended a few of its members because of the list. The Hogeschool Utrecht and the Universiteit Utrecht decided to cut all funds to the student association for the rest of the calendar year.
Reporting by ANP