Firefighters rescue man stuck upside down in Rotterdam underground garbage container
A man ended up in a bizarre situation in Rotterdam last night. He got stuck upside down in the lid of an underground garbage container, with his legs and feet dangling out and the rest of him in the bin. The man’s shoes had come off, and his jeans were around his ankles. Firefighters had to come to rescue him, Rijnmont reports.
Two first responders each grabbed and pulled a leg, while three firefighters pushed the man’s head and shoulders in the right direction through a maintenance door. All the while, other police officers and firefighters shouted encouragement.
In de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag heeft de brandweer een man uit een ondergrondse container bevrijd aan de Algiersstraat Rotterdam. De man hing ondersteboven in de container en zat klem.
— MediaTV (@mediatvnl) February 2, 2024
The incident happened on Algiersstraat in the Alexander district. Firefighters were sent to the scene at about 10:40 p.m., and paramedics were asked to remain on standby in case the man needed medical assistance.
“Just give a good pull,” one firefighter told the others. “Come on let’s go!” another yelled. “Yeah, I’ve got him. Yeah!” one yelled. Then, as others gave encouragement, he tugged the man out from the bin.
It took over half an hour for the emergency services to free the man from his predicament. Once he was right-side-up again, and his pants were back where they belonged, the man told the emergency services that his bag with clothes and his house keys had fallen into the container. He got stuck trying to get them out.
The fire brigade found the bag, but it did not contain any keys. The unfortunate man couldn’t get into his home, so his neighbor took him to his family.
The man was physically unharmed by his ordeal.