Police headquarters under heavy guard; A2 shutdown over suspicious car
A "suspicious situation" prompted the police to close down the A2 highway in both directions between Breukelen and Maarssen on Thursday by 1:30 p.m.. Some news sites published a photo showing extra security at the police's National Unit building in Driebergen.
A police spokesperson could not comment on the photo showing a large police presence, including the use of a police helicopter, at the National Unit in Driebergen. It is also not yet clear whether this is linked to the situation on the A2. Regional media outlet RTV Utrecht said that officers armed with automatic firearms were stationed at the entrance to the building. They were wearing bulletproof vests.
Meer beeld van de afsluiting van de A2https://t.co/3BMFv7k60Q pic.twitter.com/MtiIFAPojD
— AT5 (@AT5) January 6, 2022
Public works department Rijkswaterstaat initially reported that the highway was closed due to police action, and later said it was due to a chase. On Twitter, the National Unit said that they pulled over a car and arrested a suspect due to a "suspicious situation."
Politieacties in de regio, kantoor Landelijke Eenheid #Driebergen zwaar bewaakt https://t.co/t936RyAasw
— 112MediaGroep (@112mediagroep) January 6, 2022
Rijkswaterstaat said it is unknown how long the highway will remain closed. The National Unit said it would release the A2 "as soon as possible." By 2:25 p.m., some lanes were opened up, but the police kept a few lanes closed as well as the Utrecht-Noord exit for southbound vehicles. Ten minutes later, police said they intended to open up the A2.
"The A2 towards Amsterdam is open again after a chase," said Rijkswaterstaat. Drivers headed northbound from Den Bosch were advised to give themselves extra time.
En dan nog maar wat beelden vanaf de #a2 #politieactie pic.twitter.com/s9mam6I7jG
— Jos van Nieuwenhoven (@JvNieuwenhoven) January 6, 2022
Het is nog onduidelijk hoelang de afsluiting in beslag neemt. We leiden verkeer tussen Utrecht en Amsterdam in beide richtingen om via knooppunt Eemnes over de #A1 en #A27. pic.twitter.com/C1Jtl1VTM8
— Rijkswaterstaat Verkeersinformatie (@RWSverkeersinfo) January 6, 2022
Reporting by ANP and NL Times