Top festivals: Scrapping events over coronavirus a "bitter pill" to swallow
Three of the country's most popular festivals were forced to cancel their events for the second year in a row after Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that all multi-day festivals involving an overnight stay will be prohibited through August. The events were cancelled with coronavirus infections still high in the Netherlands this month, though dropping, and Covid-19 hospitalizations on the rise. Lowlands said that it was "an extremely bitter pill" to swallow.
"The past few months the developments surrounding coronavirus have clearly been moving in the right direction," the festival pointed out. "Still, While this is a huge setback, we understand and respect this decision."
"During the past few weeks, the situation in The Netherlands took an unexpected turn," Mysteryland stated. "While they gave us a green light before, the Dutch government has now issued an official directive requiring the cancelation of all multi-day events with campsites scheduled until September 1st, 2021."
"Sad, but true: Down The Rabbit Hole: Rabbits in the Lowlands is a dream that won't come true," the festival wrote on Facebook.
"We understand that this isn’t the news you were hoping for, and it breaks our heart to share it with you. During the last months our whole team has been pushing the limit, working day and night to create what would’ve been the most magical weekend of the year, while also complying with the changing regulations set by the Dutch government," Mysteryland wrote.
Down the Rabbit Hole organizers said it was difficult news to absorb, and that they would look towards the date when the event will next be held: July 1-3, 2022, at Groene Huvels in Beuningen. The next Lowlands will take place from August 19-21, 2022.
Anyone who purchased a Down the Rabbit Hole or Lowlands ticket in 2020 or 2021 will automatically receive their money back. Refunds will be sent to the original ticket purchaser's bank account. "If you bought a ticket from someone, you will have to sort it out yourself with the seller," both festivals said.
Mysteryland ticket holders will get the option for a refund, or to acquire tickets in 2022, though dates have not yet been announced.
"We are all very grateful to you," DTRH said to its audience. "We also want to thank our team here: All the artists, festival builders, specialists, program makers and other involved people who were undivided and unyielding during a difficult year."
The organizers all said they were pleased that they would at least be able to tap the government's 385 million euro fund for cancelled events.
Dear loved ones, It is with great sadness that we need to announce that Mysteryland will not take place this summer. During the last weeks, the situation in The Netherlands took an unexpected turn. While giving us a green light before, the Dutch government has now issued an official directive requiring the cancelation of all multi-day events with camping scheduled until September 1st, 2021. We understand that this isn’t the news you were hoping for, and it breaks our heart to share it with you. During the last months our whole team has been pushing the limit, working day and night to create what would’ve been the most magical weekend of the year, while also complying with the changing regulations set by the Dutch government. With only a month to go till a sold out Mysteryland would’ve taken place, all stages and shows were ready for our festival adventure, but unfortunately it seems it wasn't meant to be this year… We thank everyone for all the patience, love, and support we’ve received over the last year. It’s your heartfelt messages that keep us going during these difficult times. The moments we share mean the world to us, and every single one of you contributes to the completeness of our journey! As we always strive to give you the best experience, even during this exceptional situation, please give us some time to explore all possible options. Everyone who’s in possession of a Ticket, Camping, and /or Hotel Package for Mysteryland 2021 will get the option to keep their ticket for 2022 or request a refund. Ticketholders will be contacted via email in the next week. The time will come that we will dance again and when we do, we will celebrate life together like never before! Stay strong ❤ X Mysteryland
Posted by Mysteryland on Monday, July 26, 2021
Down The Rabbit Hole - Rabbits in the LowlandsTreurig, maar waar: Down The Rabbit Hole – Rabbits in the Lowlands is een droom die niet uit gaat komen. Vanwege de nieuwe, verscherpte maatregelen zijn meerdaagse evenementen met camping in ieder geval tot 1 september door de overheid verboden. Dat is heel moeilijk te verkroppen, met de haven in zicht en tot zo kort geleden de wind in de zeilen, de zon op onze bol… Op koers richting een onvergetelijk feest in de polder brak alsnog de storm los. Door de vele onzekerheden rondom de deltavariant van het virus heeft het kabinet besloten geen meerdaagse evenementen met campingfaciliteiten toe te staan. Hoe groot die tegenslag ook is, we respecteren dat besluit en zijn blij met de reddingsboei in de vorm van een garantiefonds waarmee we artiesten, leveranciers, cateraars, en alle andere duizenden handen die Down The Rabbit Hole maken kunnen steunen. We zijn jullie Rabbits allemaal ontzettend dankbaar voor jullie vertrouwen en de positieve, flexibele, veerkrachtige flow waarmee jullie ons op koers hielden. We willen hier ook ons team bedanken: alle artiesten, festivalbouwers, specialisten, programmamakers en andere betrokkenen die onverdeeld en onverzettelijk waren in een moeilijk jaar. Met een snik en een lach tuigen we straks de boot weer op om door te varen naar het allermooiste meertje: op 1, 2 en 3 juli 2022 meren we aan bij de Groene Heuvels in Beuningen. Alle kaartkopers ontvangen automatisch een refund voor hun tickets die voor de edities in 2020 en 2021 zijn gekocht. Hierover wordt binnenkort een mail met alle details verstuurd. Deze mail ontvang je op het mailadres waarmee je je Ticketmasteraccount hebt aangemaakt. Hou ook je spambox goed in de gaten. De refund wordt uitbetaald aan de oorspronkelijke kaartkoper die bij Ticketmaster bekend is en op het IBAN-nummer waarmee je bestelling is geplaatst. Indien je een ticket van iemand hebt overgekocht, moet je een en ander zelf met de verkopende partij afstemmen. Om ons een hart onder de riem te steken, hebben dj’s Joost van Bellen en DJ St. Paul de ‘Konijnen Hunkeren’ lijst gemaakt: 340 tracks van artiesten die, net als zijzelf, op Down The Rabbit Hole speelden of hadden moeten spelen. Inclusief nummers die over het hunkeren naar ons weerzien gaan. Eén track voor elke dag tot 1 juli 2022. Alles staat, zoals echte dj’s betaamt, in de juiste volgorde. Verzoek vanuit zowel Paul en Joost én ons: druk niet op shuffle maar geniet van de flow. Er zit konijnenbloed, konijnenzweet en konijnentranen in hun werk. We’re in this together, let’s stay together!
Posted by Down The Rabbit Hole on Monday, July 26, 2021
Verdrietig nieuws: Lowlands 2021 gaat niet door. Vanwege de nieuwe aangescherpte coronamaatregelen zijn meerdaagse...
Posted by Lowlands Festival on Monday, July 26, 2021