Some 10 thousand brave Dutch dove into freezing water in Scheveningen, The Hague for the New Year's plunge; 1 Jan 2017
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Photo: @TonyDeJonker / Twitter
Monday, 2 January 2017 - 10:00
Some 50,000 Dutch take New Year's plunge into freezing water
With outside temperatures of -4 degrees and seawater temperatures of around 7 degrees, some 50 thousand Dutch people took the traditional New Year's plunge at 142 locations in the Netherlands around noon on Sunday, RTL Nieuws reports.
The plunge at Scheveningen, The Hague was most popular with over 10 thousand people diving into freezing cold water.A spokesperson for the organizers called the plunge "nice and crisp",.
Despite the low temperatures, no one became hypothermic or was injured in any other way.
At around 50 thousand divers, the New Year's plunge was about as popular as last year.