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Source: Wikipedia
Monday, 11 April 2016 - 15:45
Amsterdam housing corporations lobbying hard to raise rents
Amsterdam housing corporations are working hard in The Hague lobbying for higher rent increases than was agreed upon on in the Housing Agreement.
The agreement states that social housing rents can not increase more than 1 percent above inflation. According to correspondence between Ebbert de Vries of the Amsterdam federation of housing corporations AWC and Senators, the corporations want that houses ending up in the public sector, not be included in this rule, Het Parool reports.
The Eerste Kamer, the Dutch Senate, is discussing the so-called rent approach on Tuesday. The approach was agreed upon by corporation dome Aedes and tenants association Woonbond and then taken over with minor adjustments by Minister Stef Blok of housing.
Aedes proposed that only half of social housing new to the public sector be included in the maximum rent increase 1 percent plus inflation. The AFWC wants none of the new social housing to be included. This could mean that the rent for these homes can be far above the limit.