Friday, 13 March 2015 - 10:50
Dutch net neutrality may be scrapped by European parliament
Minister Henk Kamp (Economic Affairs) is "very disappointed" that the EU member states could not reach an agreement on protecting net neutrality within the EU, NU reports. This may put the net neutrality in the Netherlands at risk.
Net neutrality is guaranteed in the Netherlands. This means that internet providers treat all types of internet traffic equally, not discriminating between different services. Last year the European Parliament voted on a proposal to introduce a similar net neutrality across Europe, but the telecom Ministers of the member states could not reach an agreement.
"I believe that the choice that was made is the wrong choice." Kamp said in the Tweede Kamer yesterday. "I am very disappointed." The European Council's compromise proposal still has to be discussed with the European Commission and Parliament. According to Kamp, they now have to try and reach the result that they have been unable to reach in the consultation between Member States.
Kamp's first choice would be a Europe wide net neutrality, but as a second option he would settle on ensuring that the Netherlands is free to maintain a strict net neutrality. The current proposal from the European Council will remove the Dutch net neutrality.