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Picture: Wikimedia Commons/Chris Roberts
Tuesday, 4 November 2014 - 09:00
Regional newspaper sites hit in cyber attack
The regional websites of Wegener newspapers were the victims of a large DDoS attack on Monday.
As a result the sites were down for hours. It is unknown who launched the cyber attack.
The attack started at about 18:00 p.m and lasted the whole night. The websites of PZC, BN/De Stem, Tubantia, De Stentor, De Gelderlander, Brabants Dagblad and Eindhoven Dagblad were affected.
According to Aplication Manager of Wegener Media, Frank Bouwman, the provider blocked the IP adress of the sites to stem further outbreaks of the attack.
During a DDoS attack, enormous amounts of data are simultaneously fired at an address with the aim of overloading it. The result is that the address can no longer process the data and the site goes offline.