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Source: Flickr/Oxyman
Monday, 24 March 2014 - 11:24
Fishermen on strike, Zeeland
Fishermen from Zeeland are not going out to sea on Monday in protest of low pay, following a similar strike in Urk. Fishing boats from Arnemuiden, Vlissingen, Breskens and Tholen are staying in the docks.
The fishermen think they are being unfairly compensated on Sole and Plaice, fishing news website visserijnieuws reports.
The fishermen from Zeeland are joining those from Urk who have not gone to sea since last week Monday. They hope to be able to be able to convince the trade commission to pay more for the catch.
Fishermen in Zeeland mostly deal with Sole, while those from Urk catch Plaice. "Last week Firday, the fishermen from Urk came by to discuss. After that, we spontaneously decided to join their action."
Low fish prices and high diesel prices mean the shipping companies are having a hard time taking ships out to sea. "Competition from Asia also plays a big role", said Caljouw on Sunday.
"Especially imported farmed fish, such as tilapia, from countries where the hourly wage is one euro, are difficult for us." According to Caljouw, fishermen on Texel are also going to join the strike.