Saturday, 14 December 2013 - 04:31
Transport Complaint Desks to Merge
Public transport providers and consumer organizations have signed a preliminary agreement on the handling of complaints about the OV-chip card. No later than February 1, carriers will no longer refer customers with complaints to other carriers or chip organization TLS, but they will solve the problem themselves.Before the summer the carriers and TLS will come up with a blueprint for a one-window-system for the longer term.
wikimedia commons Bart Combée of the Consumers Union is pleased with the assurances of the carriers, but will not be satisfied until they have been realized. 'We, the ANWB and Rover, will review if it meets our principles. Such is the case when travelers with complaints are immediately helped when they report to a counter. It is not the concern of the traveler how the carriers work out the details among themselves,' said Combée. Travelers are now getting the "run around," according to the consumers organization. This prompted the organization to take action, which they did in October. They collected 36,461 signatures, and received support from a majority of the House.
wikimedia commons Bart Combée of the Consumers Union is pleased with the assurances of the carriers, but will not be satisfied until they have been realized. 'We, the ANWB and Rover, will review if it meets our principles. Such is the case when travelers with complaints are immediately helped when they report to a counter. It is not the concern of the traveler how the carriers work out the details among themselves,' said Combée. Travelers are now getting the "run around," according to the consumers organization. This prompted the organization to take action, which they did in October. They collected 36,461 signatures, and received support from a majority of the House.