Thursday, 5 December 2013 - 20:03
Russian diplomat leaves farewell letter
Dmitri Borodin, the Russian diplomat who
Borodin, who has two chidren, clearly refers to Mark Rutte. The diplomat, who sneered at the Hague police on Twitter earlier, claims to have no problems with the Dutch people. ' I leave many friends behind, ' according to Borodin.
Borodin also sneered at Minister Timmermans. ' I am a fan of French culture. Some time ago a Dutch minister cited Minister Edith Piaff. Good for him,' according to Borodin.
Dmitri Borodin was arrested in the night of October 5 onto 6, in his flat at the The Hague Seinpostduin, on suspicion of drunkenness and abuse of his children. The police were alerted because his wife had crashed into several parked cars in their street, including their own, under the influence of alcohol. When the police checked their apartment to see if everything was okay, after one of the neighbors tipped them off about their children being abused, they found the children in an unsafe situation with Borodin himself being intoxicated. Despite his diplomatic immunity, the police decided to place him under arrest, for the children's safety, which caused quite the diplomatic commotion between The Netherlands and Russia.
Prime Minister Rutte discussed the incident with President Putin, and apologized.
The diplomat states his departure should not be seen as a capitulation. His children will be better off in Russia. So will he and his wife.