Wednesday, 10 April 2013 - 10:04
50,000 Tons of Meat Recalled
The Dutch Food- and Goods Authority, Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA), has ordered 130 Dutch customers of the meat processor Willy Selten from Oss to find and recall a total of 50,000 tons of meat.
In February commotion arose when Selten sold his meat as beef but mixed it with horsemeat. Because his administration was not in order, the source of the meat is unclear and food safety cannot be guaranteed. However, the NMWA did announce that there is no evidence of a risk to public health. reported that 370 other customers of Selten are located abroad. They will be notified via the European States. The customers have two weeks for their investigation.
According to, it is possible that part of the meat has already been consumed. Customers can still eat what is in their fridges, but a recall might follow after two weeks if the origin of the meat remains unclear.