Series of explosions in five Dutch cities, causing damage to houses
There were explosions in several places in the Netherlands during the night from Friday to Saturday. They occurred in Almere, Dronten, Eindhoven, Uithuizen and Zwanenburg.
In Almere, a sushi restaurant on the Cinemadreef was severely damaged on Friday night around 10.50 p.m., Omroep Flevoland reported. Witnesses told the regional broadcaster that the area around the restaurant was cordoned off and a hazardous materials and explosives advisor was called. It is not yet clear whether the explosion is the result of an attack or an accident.
Bij een bedrijf aan de #Cinemadreef in #Almere is vrijdagavond 15 maart een explosie geweest. Dat gebeurde rond 22:50 uur. Er is niemand gewond geraakt en er is nog niemand aangehouden. Heeft u iets gezien? Iets gehoord?
— Politie Flevoland (@POL_Flevoland) March 16, 2024
Furthermore, there was a loud bang in a house in De Oeverloper in Dronten at around 1 a.m. As a result, the back of the house was damaged. Numerous emergency services were deployed during the investigation, including the police explosives exploration team, Omroep Flevoland reported.
Nabij een woning aan De #Oeverloper in #Dronten is in de nacht van vrijdag 15 en zaterdag 16 maart een explosie geweest. Wij zijn op zoek naar getuigen en camerabeelden. Heeft u iets gezien of gehoord? Of heeft u camerabeelden? Meld dit dan.
— Politie Flevoland (@POL_Flevoland) March 16, 2024
On the same night, in Eindhoven, an explosion destroyed the front door of a house in Anemonestraat at around 12.30 p.m.
In another incident, an explosion damaged a house on the Ommelandenweg in Uithuizen, Groningen, around 4 a.m., resulting in a fire outbreak. In Zwanenburg in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, an explosive device detonated in a house in the Marialaan around 11.55 p.m. A fire also broke out here. The house was considerably damaged, the police reported on Saturday morning.
Overall, no suspects were arrested and the explosions caused no injuries.
Reporting by ANP and NL Times