Rotterdam Airport to get on Randstad tram system
Rotterdam/The Hague Airport will be made accessible by tram from Rotterdam Central and The Hague Central, announced Jeannette Baljeu, Rotterdam alderman, Wednesday. Rotterdam and The Hague agreed on the plan. The two cities are already connected by a direct metro connection, operated by Randstadrail.
The new tram connection, which will cost approximately €200 million, will also pass through Delft. The new connection will reduce travel times to the airport to 40 minutes from The Hague, 15 minutes from Delft, and 10 minutes from Rotterdam. The airport is currently accessible by a slow bus connection from Rotterdam Central, and a shuttle bus that connects to the metro station from both cities, as far as public transportation is concerned. It'll still be a few years before the new tram connection is a fact, according to Baljeu, but at least the plan was initiated. A direct connection is a necessity with the ever-growing number of passengers. The airport currently serves 1.5 million travelers a year and wants to expand to over 2 million.