Thursday, 2 May 2013 - 08:10
Flu Epidemic Over
The flu epidemic, which has held the Netherlands in its spell, is finally over according to the Netherlands Institute for Healthcare Research (NIVEL) in a report by NOS. Lasting almost 19 weeks, it was the longest flu epidemic in 42 years.
This week, 24 out of 100,000 people has reported to their GP with flu. During the epidemic, more than 51 out of 100,000 people had to report in sick .
Three types of flu spread at the same time. The cold, dry air of the past few months gave the flu virus every chance to spread quickly. The current higher temperatures will control the virus, according to NIVEL.
At its peak last February, there were almost 180 per 100,000 people sick in bed.
According to NIVEL, there has been a long but mild flu epidemic, with GPs treating many patients, especially children, aged 0 to 4, and the elderly.