Ronald Plasterk, 27 August 2009.
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Photo: Wikimedia/Roel Wijnants.
Death threats a concern for Interior Minister
Minister Ronald Plasterk of Home Affairs is concerned about the death threats sent to a number of city politicians in response to the shelter of asylum seekers. In this week officials in both Rijswijk and Rijssen-Holten received threats after the municipalities agreed to open refugee centers in the areas.
A letter was sent to RTV Oost on Thursday threatening Rijssen-Holten Mayor Arco Hofland. "If Mayor Hofland does take in these refugees, he will die. His family and also the town hall will be the target of this attack”, the letter read. Earlier this week city Rijswijk city councilors Yvonne Hagenaars and Mark Storm also received letters threatening harm to themselves and their families.
"Keep your grime off of our politicians and respect them." the Minister responded to these threats on Friday, according to the Telegraaf. He called them "horrible and totally unacceptable". "Fortunately we have already agreed that in such cases charges are always filed and that the Public Prosecutor will demand higher punishments. The important thing is that justice works on it, and that is happening."
Plasterk added that he has nothing against heated debates on this "big and complex issue". "That is part of democracy."