Thursday, 2 July 2015 - 15:12
Protesting police to cycle in front of Tour-caravan
The police unions have decided not to stop the media caravan during the Tour de France state on Sunday. Instead they will protest by cycling out in front of the media caravan. They will also hang banners off the Erasmus bridge.
The unions made this announcement during a joint press conference of the municipality of Rotterdam and the police unions, NOS reports. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb called on the cabinet to come up with a good collective bargaining agreement for the police and civil servants.
A lawsuit against the police actions was planned for Thursday morning, but was cancelled after the municipality and unions reached a compromise during discussions in Rotterdam on Wednesday night.
The collective bargaining between the police unions and the cabinet has been stuck for some time now. The police have already performed a number of protest actions, but so far with no results. Among other things, the unions want a 3.3 percent pay increase and a bonus for the reorganization in the formation of the National Police