European honeybees in a hive (Picture: WIkimedia Commons / Nick Pitsas, CSIRO)
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European honeybees in a hive (Picture: WIkimedia Commons / Nick Pitsas, CSIRO)
Tuesday, 24 March 2015 - 19:30
Organic honey production approved for Netherlands
State Secretary of Economic Affairs Sharon Dijksma approved a proposal for certification of organic beekeeping in the Netherlands. This is to make organic honey of Dutch origin available in 2016.
The Economic Secretary says that Dutch beekeepers seem happy with the high demand of organic products. She also adds that the Dutch production of organic honey creates a "playing field" with neighbouring countries where organic honey production is already authorized.
European regulations for organic honey production impose strict requirements on organic beekeepers. It means that hives must be located in places where there are sources of pollen and nectar within three kilometer radius, where there are mostly organic crops and no pesticides are used. The areas need to be mapped by beekeepers so they can demonstrate compliance with the requirements.
In addition, hives must be made of natural materials such as wood and straw. The natural material rule applies also for the bees' biological supplements and the honeycomb construction wax structure has to be pure as well.
Honey can be called "organic" after the requirements have been met for at least a year.