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Friday, 7 November 2014 - 09:15
Jobless teachers concerns MPs
State Secretary of Education Sander Dekker has to find out if the 150 million euro given to schools, has led to more employment opportunities.
The Second Chamber wants this information. According to Dekker, this is difficult because schools were allowed to spend the money at their own discretion.
In principle, jobs for 3 thousand young teachers could be kept in 2015 with this money, he said. It is not clear whether this actually happened. At the request of the Chamber, he will still try to ascertain how many jobs were retained or created.
The PvdA, D66 and ChristenUnie are concerned about the thousands of recently graduated young teaches who can not find work, while the current teachers struggle under the workload. There will also be a shortage on teachers in 2016 because many of the older teachers are retiring. With extra money the Cabinet wants to prevent young teachers from turning their back on the profession.
According to the PvdA, an estimated 18 thousand young teachers are unemployed.