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Wednesday, 5 November 2014 - 08:20
Dutch TV kicks off Ebola relief fundraising effort
The Cooperating Aid Agencies (Samewerkende Hulporganisaties - SHO) have announced that they will raise money in a national relief effort in the fight against Ebola via Giro 555.
There will be commercials on all TV channels calling for donations to fight the deadly disease, which has claimed thousands of victims in Africa.
The deadly Ebola virus has developed into a catastrophe in West Africa in recent months. According to official counts, the disease has caused almost 5 thousand deaths. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been closely monitoring the outbreak of the virus in Nigeria, Guinea and Sierra Leone.
Dutch aid organizations are also active in Ebola countries. Oxfam Novib is busy with prevention. Cordaid and the Red Cross are on site to offer help.