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Thursday, 2 October 2014 - 16:27
Hema allowed to start notary legal service
On Thursday the disciplinary court ruled that Hema continue with the notary service they launched last year.
The Royal Notarial Profession Association (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie - KNB) filed a complaint with the Chamber of the Notary in Amsterdam, but the Chamber saw no need to impose measures.
According to the court, the only point where Hema's service fails is in the protection of client information. This information must be stored solely on a server managed by notaries, but in the current situations several other employees have access to the data. Hema has been given 3 months to make the necessary adjustments.
The KNB has announced that they will appeal against this ruling. To the organization it is a "matter of principal". Even though the KINB initially responded positively on the Hema initiative, they now doubt that the new notary service will meet the notarial laws and regulations.
With this service from Hema consumers can prepare their own cohabitation agreement or testament online. A notary will then make contact to make an appointment for the signing.