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Wednesday, 3 September 2014 - 14:39
Children's traffic school ineffective: report
The traffic lessons that children receive in school are not effective enough. Thus children between the ages of 10 and 17 years are in danger of making unsafe choices in traffic.
This says a study done by behavioral scientist Divera Twisk from the Foundation for Road Safety Research (Stichting Weteschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid - SWOV).
According to Twisk the biggest problem is that traffic study programs are not tested for effectiveness. This allows anyone to put together a program and sell it to a school, whether or not the program works, reports
According to Twisk parents wrongly assume that their children can handle complex traffic situations as traffic is a compulsory subject in primary schools. But despite the fact that there are numerous traffic programs, young people are not sufficiently able to make safe choices in traffic, Tiwsk says.
Twisk advocates for programs to be tested for effectiveness before they are introduced.