Tuesday, 20 May 2014 - 10:31
Send asylum seekers to Germany: CDA
German police agents at controls seem to be sending buses full of asylum seekers, who first traveled through the Netherlands, back to the border. Achim Halkour of the Bundespolizei in Sankt Augustin, who coordinates the border control on the Dutch-German border, says "Then we ask directly in your country to take over these people", Elsevier reports.
According to MP for the CDA, Eddy van Hijum, state secretary Fred Teeven of Security and Justice (VVD), is hiding unjustly behind the rules of the European Union, when he says that he cannot turn asylum seekers away at the border, back to another EU country where the migrants come from, the MP says on Tuesday in the Telegraaf.
In Europe, an asylum seeker has to request a residence permit in the country where he or she first arrives. The CDA finds the actions of the German authority of sending the asylum seekers back "unbelievable", and is demanding clarity from Teeven. "It obviously doesn't pay to be the most well-behaved boy in school:, says Van Hijum.
Last week, Teeven said that the recent flood of asylum seekers coming into the country is as large as a thousand a week, this used to be a thousand a month, mostly from Eritrea and Syria. Teeven said this is an "alarming" situation, and believes that there could be organized human trafficking at play.
Mobile border control units have been initiated to stem the flow. If that doesn't work, then in the "worst case scenario", asylum seekers need to be sheltered in tented camps or empty prisons, Teeven warned.
The Schengen agreement prevents the easy reintroduction of border controls, however, which is a measure that both the CDA and PVV are pleading for.