Tuesday, 16 April 2013 - 15:12
17% Less Retail Space
In the next seven years, retail space in the urban areas will decrease by 2 million square meters, according to a report by the consultancy firm Booz & Company, which was commissioned by the Dutch financial newspaper, Het Financieel Dagblad.
The main reason for the disappearance of 17 percent of retail space is the increase in online shopping. The biggest risers in online sales are clothes and electronics. 25 percent of clothes sales are expected to be via the net in 2020, against the present 5 to 6 percent. For electronics these sales will rise from 20 to 40 percent.
Nu.nl reported that the trend was clearly visible before this year's Easter. Revenues in shopping streets decreased by 7 percent, but online stores sold 18 percent more.