Few tenants challenge high rent, but those who did won €433 monthly rent decrease
Only 0.5 percent of tenants who signed a new lease last year had the rent amount assessed by the Rent Assessment Committee. Those who did saw their monthly rent drop by an average of 433 euros, Pointer reported based on figures from the committee.
An estimated 100,000 tenants signed a new lease in the private sector last year. Only 469 had the rent tested by the Rent Assessment Committee. The committee concluded that the rent was too high for 313 tenants. On average, their rents decreased by 433 euros per month.
Private sector tenants can submit their lease to the Rent Assessment Committee within the first six months after signing the lease. The committee can adjust the rent down to below the social housing limit (879.66 euros this year) if it feels it necessary. That often happens with smaller homes, which are sometimes considerably too expensive, especially in large cities.
According to Pointer, many tenants don’t know that they can have their rents checked by the Rent Assessment Committee. Some also said they’d rather not risk a conflict with their landlord while there is a housing shortage.