A small group of people gathered at the Ter Apel asylum seeker reception center in November 2014
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Monday, 11 December 2023 - 07:30
UN Rapporteur on right to adequate housing checking state of Dutch asylum centers
The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing will visit the Netherlands for some time starting Monday. The American Balakrishnan Rajagopal will investigate the state of the asylum seeker centers, among other things.
Rajagopal will visit at least The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Groningen. But where he will go when is unclear. It is also not clear whether he will visit the registration center in Ter Apel. A spokesperson was unable to provide clarity on that this weekend.
Rajagopal will investigate whether there is adequate housing for all population groups. The Rapporteur will also look at, among other things, the availability and affordability of housing and homelessness.
His report is due in March next year.
Reporting by ANP