FNV wants mandatory code of conduct against transgressive behavior in the workplace
The FNV trade union wants every company in the Netherlands to be obliged to introduce a code of conduct to combat inappropriate behavior in the workplace. In a survey conducted by the association, many people stated that they are confronted with forms of inappropriate behavior. It also revealed that this type of behavior often goes unpunished.
"Too many workers face bullying, sexual harassment, or other forms of inappropriate behavior," says Kitty Jong, FNV vice president. Of the approximately 2,000 workers surveyed, more than half said they had experienced one or more forms of inappropriate behavior in the past year.
It is striking that the FNV questionnaires were filled out primarily by people from the media and cultural sector and the hospitality industry. This could give a distorted picture. Nevertheless, Jong speaks of "disturbing numbers."
According to the respondents, in half of the cases, managers are the culprit. Furthermore, many of those affected would also not feel supported by their company. In addition, FNV says it affects women much more often than men, and people on uncertain contracts more often than those on permanent contracts.
According to Jong, a culture change is needed among managers. "We often talk about culture change in the Netherlands. But as long as the problem is largely caused by those who are supposed to ensure a safe working environment, focusing on the culture in the executive suites is the highest priority."
Managers must lead by example, Jong emphasizes. "There must be education, employees who see or experience excesses must be taken seriously and protected, and perpetrators must dare to be tackled. Especially if the perpetrators are executives. In most cases, the victim loses the job, but these are the kinds of executives we can overlook like a toothache.
Reporting by ANP