Election conferences of VVD, CDA, SP and Volt on 'super Saturday'
After a full political week with the Budget Day and the General Political Considerations, four parties hold an election congress: VVD, CDA, SP, and Volt. In the corridors of The Hague, there is talk of a "super Saturday." Members of the parties will have the opportunity to vote on their election programs. For Dilan Yeşilgöz (VVD) and Henri Bontenbal (CDA), it is an important moment as they will address their congress for the first time as party leaders.
The stakes are high for all four parties. The imminent departure of Mark Rutte as prime minister and the popular newcomers Nieuw Sociaal Contract and BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) make for an unpredictable dynamic. The CDA, SP, and, to a lesser extent, the VVD have suffered losses in the polls and will try to counter these new competitors.
“Livelihood" seems to be a keyword in this election and will come up more than once at the conferences. However, the party leaders will each give a different answer to the question of what the problem and solution is here. The VVD wants to focus primarily on the middle class, while the SP focuses on those with the lowest incomes. The CDA puts more emphasis on financial space for the family. Volt, however, wants a basic income for all, which would make allowances superfluous. In general, all parties are in favor of raising the minimum wage.
At the CDA, SP, and Volt congresses, members will also vote on their lists of candidates. This will reveal whether candidates who are unhappy with their ineligible position will still be given a higher place on the list.
The members of VOLT must travel to The Hague for the conference and those of VVD to Rotterdam. The other parties have opted for locations outside the Randstad: SP meets in Arnhem and CDA in Den Bosch.
VOLT members must travel to The Hague for the conference, and VVD members to Rotterdam. The other parties have chosen locations outside the Randstad. For instance, the SP meets in Arnhem and the CDA in Den Bosch.
Reporting by ANP