Students want compensation for Covid-19 study delays
Students also want compensation for damages they suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak. Many students lost their part-time jobs and fear study delays. And the costs of tuition fees, rents and public transit cards still have to be paid, student organizations LSVB, ISO and FNV Jong told BNR.
A hotline was set up for students with an acute loss of income. In its first two weeks, it received around 1,300 calls, Alex Tess Rutten of LSVB said tot he broadcaster. Reports to the hotline show that on average students are losing out on 500 to 600 euros, she said, pointing out that students also have to pay rent.
According to Rutten, the loan system made students extra dependent on their part-time jobs. "About 45 percent of their income depends on that part-time job, so if that disappears in one fell swoop, that is a hefty amount," she said. "The Minister proposes borrowing more, but that is a solution that we are very concerned about."