Helper dog trainers to benefit in first herring barrel auction
The proceeds raised by the traditional auction of the first vat of Hollandse Nieuwe herring, will go to Hulphond Nederland's therapy and coaching program for children this year, Scheveninger reports.
Hulphond Nederland's helper dogs are traditionally trained to support people with physical disabilities, epilepsy or post traumatic stress disorder. The organization is also working with various youth care centers to offer a therapy and coaching program in which experienced therapists use specially trained dogs to help young people with behavioral or emotional problems, psychiatric problems or developmental disorders build up more self-confidence. "This way, helper dogs assist hundreds of people and their families to a better quality of life", Rudolph Strickwold of Hulphond Nederland said to the newspaper.
Agnes Leeuwis, director of the Nederlands Visbureau and ambassador for this annual auction, is excited to work with Hulphond Nederland this year. "We like to see the proceeds of the auction go to a concrete and tangible destination. The therapy program of Hulphond Nederland has proven itself and is of value to many Dutch young people and their environment. We therefore hope that these Dutch can make a new start with the help of a buddy [therapy assist dog]. This means that the relationship of our Hollandse Nieuwe this year with this beautiful cause is also very concrete."
As per tradition, the auction will happen in Scheveningen on June 12th - the day before the start of sale of herring in the whole country.