Monday, 12 May 2014 - 09:24
Anti-Wilders campaign launched by Labour
The PvdA launched a website on Sunday, which is criticizes PVV-leader Geert Wilders. The site is called Wilders' Friends, or,, comes during the preliminaries of the European Parliamentary elections, and lists Wilders' standpoints, framed by the comments of what the PvdA terms as his 'friends' in the elections.
The website details in short the talking points and ideologies of the politicians Geert Wilders is collecting in the run-up to the elections. A line-up of round icons depicting these politicians' faces scrolls along the top of the page. Below this, the site details their extremist policies or ideas, with which the PvdA urges the public to "get to know Wilders' friends." Flip de Winter, for example, of the Belgian Vlaams Belang party, wants "fewer Moroccans" the site states.
Jean-Marie le Pen and his daughter Marine le Pen of the French Front National, Mogens Camre of the Danish Folkeparti are also included. These are all parties and politicians with whom Wilders will or wants to work together in the EU, according to the PvdA.
"If you put the opinions of Wilders' friends in a row, chills run down your spine. Comments about entire populations and minorities that bear evidence of racism and xenophobia. Those are not my friends", says PvdA party president Hans Spekman.
Wilders is not impressed with this warning site. "What a bunch of losers!" he tells the ANP. "They are scared and panicked. Rightly so, because looking at the polls, the PvdA themselves have no friends left, on its way to 0 seats!"