Friday, 20 September 2013 - 02:09
Twice as many measles cases
At least 1458 people contracted the measles or still have it, reports the RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu)(National Institute for Public Health and Environment) Thursday. Since last week 110 new cases have been reported, more than twice as many as the week before.Nine of which had to be admitted to the hospital. The real number of cases is probably higher, because most people who contract the measles don't go to their doctor. The measles epidemic has been going on since May this year.
CDC/Dr. Heinz F. EichenwaldTom, from Wikimedia Commons
Although the RIVM finds it difficult to predict the course, the institute thinks the peak is yet to come, possibly in autumn. The majority of people who become infected live in the bible belt, the strip Zeeland to West Overijssel, where many strict Calvinists live, who for their faith abandon vaccination.
Click here for a diagram of the measles epidemic, based on data from the RIVM