Many shooting stars in Dutch skies tonight as Perseid meteor shower peaks
Lots of shooting stars will be visible in Dutch skies in the coming nights. The Perseid meteor shower has started, and the viewing conditions are absolutely ideal this year, meteorologist Philippe Schambergen of Buienradar told RTL Nieuws.
Any lucky person could spot a shooting star on any clear night, but during the peak of the annual meteor showers, there are dozens per hour. Netherlands residents who look at the starry sky for a few minutes in a dark place are almost guaranteed to see at least one shooting star tonight.
The coming nights will be clear, and there will be no disturbing moonlight. It also won’t be cold. “It really can’t get any better,” Schambergen said.
The Perseid shower will peak early tomorrow morning. Between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m. on Tuesday, there will be almost 60 shooting stars per hour. But people not willing to get up so early should also be able to spot a few after it gets dark tonight.
The most important thing for spotting shooting stars is to find a place with as little light pollution as possible. For this shower, look toward the northeast, according to RTL.