Protests for more diversity in politics, against student loan system on Budget Day
Two groups are protesting in The Hague on Budget Day on Tuesday. A protest for more women and diversity in politics is planned for the Plein next to the Binnenhof. And young people are protesting against the student loan system at the temporary home of the lower house of Dutch parliament.
Representatives of youth organizations, including student unions ISO and LSVb, trade union FNV Young & United, and the youth movements of parties GroenLinks (DWARS), D66 (Jonge Democraten), CDA (CDJA) and PvdA (Jonge Socialisten) gathered outside temporary parliament on Bezuidenhoutseweg to protest against the student loan system.
According to the protesters, so far no plans to abolish the student loan system have leaked from cabinet formation plans or budget plans, even though a majority in parliament supports abolishing the loan system. "We call on the parties to come up with a new system before Budget Day 2022, regardless of the formation," a sign carried by protesters read.
At around 1:20 p.m. on Tuesday, King Willem-Alexander will announce the caretaker cabinet's budget and plans for next year in a speech in the Grote Kerk. Caretaker Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra will officially present the budget to parliament at around 3:00 p.m.
Namens de PvdA aanwezig bij de protestactie van vakbonden en jongerenpartijen voor het afschaffen van het leenstelsel. #overhethoofdgezien
— Habtamu de Hoop (@HabtamudeHoop) September 21, 2021
Reporting by ANP and NL Times