News that school may soon reopen leads to 'unnecessary unrest' among teachers
Leaked advice from the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) states that schools and daycare centers can soon open again. This has led to joy among parents, but the leaked advice caused concern among teachers, says the General Education Union.
The OMT will advise cabinet members on the reopening of schools and daycare centers during the Sunday meeting at the Catshuis, the Prime Minister’s official residence. Monday, February 8, would be the most obvious date for schools to start again.
“Unnecessary unrest”According to the General Education Union, the leakage of the OMT advice causes “unnecessary unrest” among teachers and other education staff. “The communication – again via leak – creates unnecessary unrest. Why can’t one wait until the advice has been completely confirmed and everyone can read what measures are needed for children and education staff?” Wonders the union.
“We also hear a lot of concern among education staff. In general, most people who work in education would prefer that the schools can open again — provided that the OMT declares that this can be done in a responsible manner. We have not seen that advice yet,” said a spokesperson for the General Education Union.
Happy parentsMeanwhile, parents were overjoyed to hear the news, says Marjet Winsemius of the organization “For Working Parents”. “Parents are happy that the children are going back to school and that they can work at home normally again. Parents are looking forward to it,” she says.
Winsemius also notes that there is concern among parents who are concerned about the contagion and wonder whether it is wise to reopen schools. “But joy prevails.”