Online interviews less nerve wracking for job seekers
Job seekers are less nervous about online interviews than in-person interviews, according to a survey by among 1,100 people. 30 percent said they were nervous about an video-call interview, compared to 45 percent for "real" in-person interviews.
According to, the difference in nerve levels likely has to do with the fact that applicants can stay in their own, well-known and comfortable environments during a video call. "The study offers additional arguments for employers to allow the application procedure to run (partly) online for longer. When candidates are less tense, they are better able to present their skills and experiences," said.
The researchers found that women are more nervous about job interviews than average, whether it be online or in-person. About 43 percent of women said they're nervous about video call interviews, and 56 percent about in-person interviews. 64 percent of women also said they sleep badly the night before a job interview, compared to 46 percent of all job seekers.
Strikingly, young people and students in the last year of their studies are equally nervous about online and in-person interviews. The researchers think this is because young people experience less difference between online and offline interactions.