Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen (Picture: Twitter/@geertwilderspvv)
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Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen (Picture: Twitter/@geertwilderspvv)
Wednesday, 14 October 2015 - 16:30
Poll: Anti-Islam PVV sitting on all-time high support
A poll done by Maurice de Hond this week has shown that Anti-Islam PVV is sitting at its highest number of possible seats since its inception 11 years ago. The party has increased its political play this week by 2 seats, leaving them with a total of 35. The main increase in the party’s political gain came in late August during the commotion surrounding the refugee crisis.
The party has gained 15 seats when compared to three months ago and is sitting 20 stronger than it was at the same time in 2012.
Since the last election the Labor Party has lost more than three quarters of its voters, while the VVD has been recorded to have lost half, most of which have shown their support for the PVV, after voter claims changed dramatically.
Through a series of statements submitted to voters regarding the refugee crisis, analysis showed a vast difference between groups of voters attitudes among the different groups. Scores indicated that voters choosing the PvdA are the most different from those choosing the PVV.
The positions of the remaining VVD and PvdA voters differ greatly on the issue regarding asylum seekers and this could continue to create tension between the parties. In combination with the refugee crisis being a constant struggle for the VVD, these voters could be the decisive for the outcome of the next elections and hence, the subsequent government formation.