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Source: Wikipedia
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 - 07:14
Lavrov and Deschtschyzja talk in The Hague
The Russian minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrej Deschtschyzja had their first high-level talks since the hand-over of power in Ukraine in The Hague on Monday.
The Ukrainian minister Deschtschyzja asked for the talks in the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit, as Kiev is now looking for a solution for the conflict with Russia over the Crimean crisis. Ukraine is also worried about possible new Russian actions.
Deschtschyzja had already mentioned that a request for Russia to pull out and stop provocation has already been asked for weeks.
The minister is also worried about the current state of the border of Ukraine, where Russian troops are still active. This was also part of the reason why Deschtschyzja wanted to have the talks. "Ukraine does not know what Russia and president Vladimir Putin's plans are", he said.
John Kerry, the American minister of Foreign Affairs has already had a talk about this with Lavrov in The Hague prior to the G7-countries discussions, of which Lavrov is not part.
Sergey Lavrov talked with surprise about the co-operation agreement Ukraine signed with the EU last week. According to Lavrov, there is no lawful government in Ukraine at this moment. A government is only possible after the elections, which will be held on the 25th of May, Lavrov said.
Thhe Russian minister said it would be better and more fair to wait until a legitimate government is in place before agreements concerning the entire country are signed.