Unions disapprove of fear culture among police
A culture of fear has developed among police, because officers who speak up against mismanagement are disciplined.This is announced in a joint statement by the presidents of the unions for police personnel, the NPB, VMHP, ANPV and ACP, on Wednesday.
The unions see an increasing number of disciplinary investigations carried out in recent months. Also, more and more members are told they may not contact the unions and co-partnerships about problems.
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Exact number are not available, but all unions see the same trend. People are scared they will be side-tracked. An example is the case of the police students who were injured during training. The parties involved were initially reluctant to report anything, states chairman Han Busker of the Dutch police union (NPB).
According to the unions an internal letter of Gerard Bouman, chief of the national police, is the reason why they now act out. Bouman reportedly indicated there is a limit to sharing information with the unions and co-partnerships.
The unions write that in view of the transformation to the national police it is important that employees can raise concerns in a safe working environment. A better organization that cares about its employees is also in the interest of the security of citizens.