Chinese firm set to takeover football club ADO Den Haag
Martin Fontein (62), the director of ADO Den Haag, is in Beijing this week to finalize the long awaited takeover the the Chinese United Vansen.
The past ten months was hard on Fontein, who had to deal with exceeded deadlines, deferred payments, a tense shareholder, uncertainty and rumors, unknown Chinese investors and nervous supporters. But according to Fontein, everything is now being finalized in a happy ending. "It really is the last formalities. I can safely say that the acquisition is complete. A relief, yes, because the last few months have been very frustrating at times." he said to De Telegraaf.
Fontein had to deal with a lot of skepticism, especially in the Netherlands, about the Asian deal, but the director says he never had any doubts about the serious intentions of Wang Hui, the owner of the Chinese sports marketing office. "I've known him for 5 months and trust him 100 percent." Fontein said. "I am convinced that this will be a success."
According to Fontein, Wang wants to put youth football on the map. Even in China, where there is no infrastructure for clubs. "Therefore we are focusing on schools. This week we're signing a contract with '81 Junior High School, which President Xi Jinping attended. We want to focus on the training of youth player as a total human being: individual talent, physical movement and mental development as a starting point."
ADO, which is fighting against degradation, is also desperate for reinforcements. "Once the money has come in completely, I can work on the transfer of shares. At the end of this month I have already organized an extraordinary shareholders' meeting in The Hague which Wang will attend. Hopefully we still have time to attract players. There is money available immediately." Fontein said.