Thursday, 22 January 2015 - 08:55
Hague rebels die in Syria battle
Soufian Z. and Driss D., two jihadists from the Hague, were killed in the Syrian city of Kobani, AD reports. These jihadists were arguably two of the best known Dutch foreign rebel fighters in the Syrian Civil War.
The AD reports that the two about 26 year olds were probably killed by American bombs. The two jihadists stayed in Raqqa for months before their deaths. Raqqa is the capital of the ISIS proclaimed caliphate.
Driss D., from Schilderswijk in the Hague, stood in the spotlight in 2005 when he was arrested in Azerbaijan. This country is presumably a way station to Chechnya, where D. and some friends wanted to join Islamic militants fighting against the Russians. Four years later D. traveled to Keny, from where he presumably wanted to travel to Somalia to join the Islamic terrorist group Al Shabaab. D. was once again arrested and sent back to the Netherlands. In 2013 D. finally succeeded in traveling to Syria and joining terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS).
In 2011 Soufian Z. spent a few months in custody in Pakistan. He probably used Pakistan as a way station to Afghanistan, but it has never been confirmed whether that was his planned destination. Z. and D. were good friends and traveled to Syria together.
As a "fighting journalist", Z. made a documentary about the life of a foreign rebel fighter in Syria titled 'Oh oh Aleppo'. With this documentary he wanted to show people the conditions in Syria from his point of view. Z. is rumored to be the person behind the Twitter account Jihadi John, the infamous ISIS jihadists who stars in several beheading videos.